The notion of home is universally understood. However, home is
challenging to define and even more difficult to simulate in
situations that necessitate it. Material and immaterial aspects of
home are often geographically, culturally, familially, and
linguistically situated. This research expands participants
understanding by asking the question ‘what is home?’
Participatory responses were used to create To:You, a physical and
interactive workshop. The workshop explores the emotional dimensions
of migration and displacement by inviting participants to reflect on
their experience of home. Participants collectively build the network
by reflecting, connecting and sharing their experiences.
A design hypothesis was established as “to capture a moment where
participants can reflect, share, and express their notion of home by
‘weaving’ connections to create a visualization that collectively
defines the word home and designs a self-expressive way to create an
engaging and networking public space for everyone.”
Since ‘home’ is connected within all humans it makes our responses for
home to be a wide diverse range of words and emotions associated with
the notion of home. This thesis research process and case study
connects back to the informal interviews and conversations where all
people expressed their home not only as a physical infrastructure and
exact location but others such as their personal, individual, past,
and present experiences, level of emotions, and memories. It is an
important moment for the audience to visually and physically show
their reflections, connections and share their story without
boundaries. All are a vital step for the design of student responses
to what is home to take shape or form and size. These will create
moments of creative expression, build relationships, and inspire other
participants to build a networking environment among each other.
Home can symbolize an object, memories, location, community, identity,
language, food, tradition, music, sound and smell as the primary node
and later on, it will branch out to many other words associated with
these main nodes during your time of reflecting home. Cultural
identity and memories are taken accountable through the sketching and
shape of the project.
Tools utilized in this project to come to reality are the
characteristics of the choice of acrylic yarn. There are three yarn
fiber types– animal fibers, plant fibers, and synthetic fibers.
Synthetic fiber arts, belongs to acrylic yarn as the material part of
the craftsmanship in this activity is a significant part of the
concept and design of this project in connection to flexibility,
texture, color, significance, and how feelings are embedded in them.
Coming from the perspective of information design and data
visualization, this design concept should encourage and inspire
participants to immerse themselves in their connection to ‘home’ by
using a unique method of creative expression, building relationships,
and learning from other migrants their reflection and story of what is
Participants ‘weaving’ connections and sharing their notion of home.
To:You are not only a toolkit for a workshop, it is meant for one as
the participant to reflect, connect and share in this interactive and
sensory experience for what is home. Participants gain an opportunity
to explore and seek their own and other peoples’ way of thinking for
home. This can inspire others to build a networking environment among
each other. This toolkit will utilize the use of fiber and journaling
for students who are in need to express their emotions, memories, and
personal/individual experiences at any time they feel they are in